Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bettertrade - a new sponsor!

Just want you all my readers to take a look at one of my new sponsors. They do really have something interesting to offer, so take a look!

Bettertrade is dedicated to providing investors and traders alike with the market information that can help anyone become a successful trader.Find a Bettertrades Workshop near you.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tired of not earning what you should?

If you are interested in a cheat-safe program that only will cost
you US$10 and you can run it in paralell with other programs!?
Just let me know!
It is cheap to run, it is cheatsafe, it includes all guidelines, help, url's,
tools and programs you need to run it - all for free! And you CAN NOT FAIL!!!

Answer with "interested" in the subject to: if you would like to know more.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Million dollar network - earn with advertising!

The Million Dollar Network (MDN) is an online advertising portal that allows you to promote your website. You also earn $5 for every referral to the site. Join the network today!

You promote your website via the MDN portal and also gets $5 for each referral you get from your promotion of the MDN portal. Everyones a winner!

Go check it out, and be sure to get your own spot at: The Million Dollar Network

Others writing about this: MDN on

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Join the Million dollar network to make som serious money!

You are invited to take part in the most ambitious money making experiment ever...

So the big wait is over and the website has finally arrived!

The site is based on a website called the Million Dollar Homepage, where a young man named Alex Tew sold blocks on his website and made $1,000,000.

My idea is that if you help me fill my webpage page I will split the profits with you. You have nothing to lose as you are backed by a 30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee!

So anyway, I've spent the last 3 months designing the page, registering the domain name, having the affiliate coding put in place by professional programmers and getting everything put in place.

To take part and earn some money all you have to do is:

1 Go to

2 Click on "Buy pixels" from the menu at the top.

3 Choose which block(s) you wish to own

4 Follow the on screen instructions.

5 When you are given your affiliate link, send the link to all your facebook (and email, myspace) friends for them to do the same.

It's that simple.

All the best,

(PS. Before I get bombarded with emails asking me if this is a pyramid scheme, I can happily tell you that this is NOT one of those. This is a legitimate affiliate marketing opportunity, a system used by businesses such as Amazon and other offline companies such as Virgin Vie and Avon. PLUS you are GUARANTEED to earn otherwise you get a FULL refund! No scam or scheme does this)

Lets all make some money !!

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Friday, April 25, 2008

The ultimate Adsense toolkit

1 The Beginners Guide To AdSense Click To Download

2 Getting Started With Google AdSense Click To Download
3 AdSense Business In-A-Box Click To Download
4 2006 Quick Start Guide to Google AdSense Profits Click To Download
5 Instant AdSense Cash Click To Download
6 Instant Internet Marketing Articles Click To Download
7 Visitor Sense - How To Turn Sites Into Money Click To Download
8 AdSense Money Machine! Click To Download
9 AdSense Revenue Exposed Click To Download
10 Maximize Your AdSense Commissions Click To Download

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Beginners Guide To AdSense

by: Software Gold Club
The Beginners Guide To Google AdSense is a short easy to read mini-ebook which will introduce you to the concept of AdSense and take you quickly through the basics of how to develop successful AdSense sites.

In addition to a lot of valuable advice, you'll also receive access to a full selection of excellent keyword research tools to help you get started, links to dozens of submissions sites to help you get links and traffic and much more.

Includes Master Resale Rights

Retail Value: $9.97

Download it HERE for free!!!

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Double Your Money with Share-a-Pic and Adsense

You may come across many image hosting or image sharing sites whereby you get to host your picture online for free. The two most popular image hosting sites are Imageshack and Photobucket. But hold on a second, I am not going to talk about these two image hosting sites. There are nothing to talk with. Because my blog is about making money online. So back to the main subject - Making Money Online! How to make money online with image hosting site? Well, I am about to answer you. Please proceed.

Share-a-Pic, The pic sharing site that gives back.

Shareapic is just like Imageshack and Photobucket, you get to upload and host images on Shareapic servers. But what makes shareapic different from others? The different is you get paid for it. Shareapic has a unique revenue sharing model that compensates users for directing their friends and family to see their hosted images. When a member hosts a gallery, they can then show this gallery to others. Each time this is done, the member is paid.

How Much Can You Earn?
Earnings vary each month based off the amount of income Shareapic generates from advertising. Once this number is finalized a percentage of that is distributed throughout Shareapic members depending on how many image views they have accrued.

Make More Money
A good news for Google Adsense's publishers, Shareapic also allows you to add your Google Adsense code to your image and gallery pages. This means that every time someone clicks a text link on one of your pages, you earn money through your Adsense account. This mean you get the earnings from Shareapic and Adsense as well.

Where to go from here?

If you have a paypal account, a google adsense account ( optional ) and want to make extra money just by showing your images to people, then I suggest you to join Shareapic.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Make your website talk to your customers

SitePal is an Internet-based subscription service that allows you to create a wide-array of animated speaking characters, which can be added to your website for a variety of professional and personal applications.

SitePal provides a rich, easy-to-use to interface that makes the process of designing, managing and publishing your characters a breeze!

Absolutely no programming knowledge is required to use SitePal. However, SitePal does interface with various programming languages for those who are technically inclined.

Check it out more at: SITEPAL

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tre tricks som gör dig till vinnare i AdWords

Livet är en tävling, säger vissa. Det viktiga är inte att vinna, det är att deltaga, säger andra. Vi lämnar frågan om vem som har rätt åt sidan och konstaterar helt enkelt att världen vi lever i stundtals är en hård plats. AdWords kan också vara en tuff miljö med hård konkurrens om populära sökord. Och visst, det går bra att köpa sig en topplacering, men risken är att det kostar en slant. Om du vill lyckas i AdWords utan att spendera allt för mycket behöver du vara lite smartare än alla andra. Här är tre riktigt bra tips som dina konkurrenter inte känner till!

1. Använd dynamiska nyckelord En svår engelsk fras som kan vara bra att lära sig är Dynamic Keyword Insertion. DKI tar sökordet eller sökfrasen rakt in i annonsen. Det är ett sätt att visa relevanta annonstexter för användarna och samtidigt använda en enda allmän annons för flera sökord. Alltså – om du gör en rubrik som ser ut så här: ”{Keyword:Kontorsmöbler} till salu” och kopplar den till dina sökord, så kommer den som söker på ”Stolar” att se ”Stolar till salu”. Om sökfrasen är för lång, syns ordet Kontorsmöbler. Det här är ett smart sätt att komma närmare den ursprungliga intentionen hos den som söker.

2. Använd Geo-targeting Ännu en term på engelska som inte har någon riktigt bra svensk motsvarighet. Den lokala annonseringen är än så länge betydligt större i USA, men även i Sverige finns det stora möjligheter att begränsa annonskampanjer till avgränsade, geografiska områden. Den uppenbara fördelen är att du lägger krutet där det gör nytta. Dina annonser visas bara där de gör nytta. Men en bonus är att om du begränsat din sökning till Södermanland, så kommer det att stå Södermanlands län under din annons. En hel extrarad, som tydligt visar att just du är det smartaste lokala valet.

3. Använd påhittade subdomäner Det svåraste till sist. Numera får man ju sällan meddelandet “404 Error: Page Not Found”. Det beror på att de flesta omdirigerar felaktiga adresser till en sida som faktiskt existerar. Men hur skulle man kunna använda det här till sin fördel i AdWords? Jo, genom att utnyttja adressraden som en del av annonsen. Låt säga att du har webbplatsen och att du vill synas på lokala sökord runt Kalmar. Då kan du skriva in som adress i annonsen – även om det inte existerar någon sådan sida. Så länge du omdirigerar till en annan sida på domänen kommer AdWords att tycka att annonsen är OK, och du har plötsligt fått en hel rad till att uttrycka ditt erbjudande på. Det är bara att vara kreativ!

Tre tekniker som på ett enkelt sätt kan ge dina annonser en extra knuff framåt. Bra för sig, i stort sätt oemotståndliga tillsammans.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Earn money with your links on your blog

it has never been easier to make money with your blog. No need for advertising and signing up for advertising companies.

Now you can with this new service from Flixya-team earn money with your links on your website or blog in a very easy way!

This is how you should do it:
1. Create a paypal account if you do not have one. You can do that easy with this link!

2. Go to and sign up

3. Start creating links for your next blogpost or change your websites links

4. Start to earn money while your website visitors click your standard links!

Just as I said - it has never been easier!!!

Good Luck!

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Earn with Adsense in many ways

This is a list of sites where AdSense publisher can use their own AdSense IDs to earn money. Note that AdMoolah does not endorse any of these sites. It’s your responsibility to thoroughly investigate the legitimacy of each site before handing over your AdSense ID to them.


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